
Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2010

A nice move

Nice drop on eur/usd while the eur/jpy pair was stuttering again.

Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010


Second day enjoying the calm and simplicity of eur/usd (and the 0 spread!). I need only 5-15 pips per day, I can play with the highest lots, as the pair is more safe, less unpredictable than eur/jpy. Just 3-5 trades per day, one hour or less, 4-5 pips stop, no stress, no fear, almost zen.

Senin, 16 Agustus 2010

Lazy afternoon

A lazy, awfully late entry on first trade and then some pips, on a quite summer afternoon.


I count and recount the days remaining till the day (Aug. 26th) I will get rid of the plaster who locks me on the chair all day long..11 days  left. Yesterday night  we made a projection in our garden, the film was Rear window, by the big Alfred..Splendid, as always (I have seen it 5 times). You know, it is about the photographer with the broken leg (and bigger plaster than mine), who cannot do anything else than piping with his camera in the courtyard and finally sees a crime. I have also, 20 days now, my camera by hand while sitting on the bloody chair for hours, but I haven't seen the slightest crime, only trees..

Stephan Micus

Listening all Sunday long to several cds by Stephan Micus. What a musician! How can a German understand so deeply the eastern spirituality on sounds and incorporate it, so beautifully,  in his western craftsmanship? Some of his best works, for those who may be interested : Twilinght fields, To the evening child, Desert poem, The music of stones, Darkness and light. All published on ECM.

Minggu, 15 Agustus 2010

Time for thinking

No much activity recently, I need some time to clean my mind and plan the new season. Today I was just watching charts of eur/usd and eur/jpy, side by side,on same time periods. A very obvious remark : Eur/jpy had lost most of his shine. The leader now is the euro-usd pair. It is as spectacular as it was the former in the near past. Eur/jpy is a follower now. It cannot lead the movements, its moves are only adjustments of price between eur/usd and usd/jpy. Given also its erratic summer behavior and the bigger spreads, it is maybe time to trade eurusd. But I always have a look on eur/jpy's ADX, to catch the (fewer) high volatility periods.