In the post CFD Trading: Correlation between Currency Pairs is written about some common correlation between currency pairs.
In this post
In this post is the focus on the correlation between the AUD/CHF and AUD/USD. The correlation between the AUD/CHF and the EUR/USD is also illustrated.
The purpose is illustrative only.
The correlation between currency pairs can be stronger or weaker over a time period.
In this post is illustrated how the correlation is at the 15 minute charts; the correlation could be stronger or weaker if the correlation was illustrated in charts where the time period was longer or shorter.
Often is the correlation strong or weak as illustrated. The correlation can also be opposite as illustrated in the charts from 10:45 .
The correlation between AUD/CHF and AUD/USD
The charts illustrate the correlation between the AUD/CHF and AUD/USD; the charts illustrate a positive correlation between the currency pairs.
The correlation is weaker at 10:45 than it was between 1:45 and 10:45 as the AUD/CHF is decreasing and the AUD/USD becomes flatter.
The correlation between AUD/CHF and EUR/USD
The charts illustrate the correlation between the AUD/CHF and EUR/USD; the charts illustrate a negative correlation between the currency pairs.
The correlation is weaker at 12:30 than it was between 1:45 and 10:45 as the AUD/CHF is increasing and the AUD/USD is increasing.
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